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KTU Engineering Chemistry ( Crash Course ) CYT 100

Instructor: GoLeanerz FacultyLanguage: Malayalam


Crush Your KTU Engineering Chemistry Exams (CYT 100) with GoLearnerz!

Struggling with KTU Engineering Chemistry (CYT 100)?

 Don't sweat it! GoLearnerz is here to make mastering this crucial first-year engineering subject at Kerala Technological University (KTU) a breeze. Our comprehensive, affordable online course will transform you from a chemistry novice to an exam-crushing champion. 

Including: learning from top instructor, well-structured recorded classes, access to subject-specific online communities for discussion, and high-quality study materials. Overall, the course promises a superior learning experience. 

Key Highlights

What you will Learn

Module 1:

Introduction - Differences between electrolytic and electrochemical cells - Daniel cell - redox reactions - cell representation. Different types of electrodes (brief) - Reference electrodes - SHE - Calomel electrode - Glass Electrode - Construction and Working. Single electrode potential - definition - Helmholtz electrical double layer -Determination of E 0 using calomel electrode. Determination of pH using a glass electrode. Electrochemical series and its applications. Free energy and EMF - Nernst Equation - Derivation - single electrode and cell (Numerical) -Application - Variation of emf with temperature. Potentiometric titration - Introduction -Redox titration only. Lithium-ion cell - construction and working. Conductivity- Measurement of conductivity of a solution (Numerical).

Corrosion-Electrochemical corrosion – mechanism. Galvanic series- cathodic protection - electroless plating –Copper and Nickel plating.
Module 2: 

Introduction- Types of the spectrum - electromagnetic spectrum - molecular energy levels - Beer Lambert’s law (Numerical). UV-Visible Spectroscopy – Principle - Types of electronic transition Energy level diagram of ethane, butadiene, benzene and hexatriene. Instrumentation of UV-Visible spectrometer and applications.IR-Spectroscopy – Principle - Number of vibrational modes - Vibrational energy states of a diatomic molecule and -Determination of force constant of diatomic 1 molecule (Numerical) –Applications. H NMR spectroscopy – Principle - Relation between field strength and frequency - chemical shift - spin-spin splitting (spectral problems ) - coupling constant (definition) - applications of NMR- including MRI (brief).

Module 3: 

Thermal analysis –TGA- Principle, instrumentation (block diagram) and applications – TGA of CaC 2 O 4 . H 2 O and polymers. DTA-Principle, instrumentation (block diagram) and applications - DTA of CaC 2 O 4 . H 2 O. Chromatographic methods - Basic principles and applications of column and TLC- Retention factor. GC and HPLC-Principle, instrumentation (block diagram) - retention time and applications. Nanomaterials - Definition - Classification - Chemical methods of preparation - Hydrolysis and Reduction - Applications of nanomaterials - Surface characterization -SEM – Principle and instrumentation (block diagram).

Module 4:

Isomerism-Structural, chain, position, functional, tautomerism and metamerism - Definition with examples - Representation of 3D structures-Newman, Sawhorse, Wedge and Fischer projection of substituted methane and ethane. Stereoisomerism - Geometrical isomerism in double bonds and cycloalkanes (cis-trans and E-Z notations). R-S Notation – Rules and examples - Optical isomerism, Chirality, Enantiomers and Diastereoisomers-Definition with examples. Conformational analysis of ethane, butane, cyclohexane, mono and di methyl substituted cyclohexane.

Copolymers - Definition - Types - Random, Alternating, Block and Graft copolymers - ABS - preparation, properties and applications. Kevlar-preparation, properti es and applications. Conducting polymers - Doping -Polyaniline and Polypyrene - preparation properties and applications. OLED - Principle, construction and advantages.

Module 5: 

Water characteristics - Hardness - Types of hardness- Temporary and Permanent - Disadvantages of hard water -Units of hardness- ppm and mg/L -Degree of hardness (Numerical) - Estimation hardness-EDTA method (Numerical). Water softening methods-Ion exchange process-Principle procedure and advantages. Reverse osmosis – principle, process and advantages. Municipal waste treatment (brief) - Disinfection methods - chlorination, ozone and UV irradiation.

Dissolved oxygen (DO) -Estimation (only brief procedure-Winkler’s method), BOD and COD- definition, estimation (only brief procedure) and significance (Numerical). Sewage water treatment - Primary, Secondary and Tertiary - Flow diagram -Trickling filter and UASB process.

Subject Overview:

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